"> Apply Now Application for Employment New Personal HistoryLast NameFirst NameMiddle InitialPhoneStreet AddressApartmentCityStateZIP CodeEmail AddressHow did you learn about this job opportunity?Have you ever worked for this Company before? Yes NoPosition applying for: Part Time Full TimeWages Expected ($)Job(s) applying forAre you on a lay-off and subject to recall? Yes NoWhen would you be available to work?What hours/days are you able to work?Weekend work? Yes NoWould you be available to work evenings? Yes NoAre you available for overtime? Yes NoWill you relocate if job requires it? Yes NoAre you legally authorized to work in the U.S. without sponsorship? Yes NoDo you have reliable transportation? Yes NoDo you have a valid Driver’s License? Yes NoHave you ever been charged with, plead (no contest), been convicted of, or been fined in connection with any felony, misdemeanor, municipal ordinance violation, or any other type of offense (other than a parking ticket), regardless of the nature of the penalty or the fine for that offense? Yes NoSkills and QualificationsPlease detail your skills and qualifications?EducationHighest grade completed (1-12)High School Diploma Yes NoGED/HSED Yes NoTechnical School/College OneNameYears AttendedMajor/Course of StudyDegree Received Yes NoTechnical School/College TwoNameYears AttendedMajor/Course of StudyDegree Received Yes NoAdditional education and/or vocational or technical informationDescribe your computer skills and abilitiesEmployer Two BreakWork History Please provide full and accurate details regarding all full-time and part-time work history. Do not omit any employer. You must complete this section even if you provide a resume.Number of Previous Employers12345Previous Employer OneCompany NameAddressEmployed FromEmployed ToName of SupervisorStarting Hourly Pay ($)Ending Hourly Pay ($)Job Title and type of workReason for LeavingEligible for re-hire Yes NoMay we contact this employer? Yes NoWe will contact the employers listed for a reference unless you indicate those you specifically do not want us to contact.Employer Two BreakPrevious Employer TwoCompany NameAddressEmployed FromEmployed ToName of SupervisorStarting Hourly Pay ($)Ending Hourly Pay ($)Job Title and type of workReason for LeavingEligible for re-hire Yes NoMay we contact this employer? Yes NoWe will contact the employers listed for a reference unless you indicate those you specifically do not want us to contact.Employer Three BreakPrevious Employer ThreeCompany NameAddressEmployed FromEmployed ToName of SupervisorStarting Hourly Pay ($)Ending Hourly Pay ($)Job Title and type of workReason for LeavingEligible for re-hire Yes NoMay we contact this employer? Yes NoWe will contact the employers listed for a reference unless you indicate those you specifically do not want us to contact.Employer Four BreakPrevious Employer FourCompany NameAddressEmployed FromEmployed ToName of SupervisorStarting Hourly Pay ($)Ending Hourly Pay ($)Job Title and type of workReason for LeavingEligible for re-hire Yes NoMay we contact this employer? Yes NoWe will contact the employers listed for a reference unless you indicate those you specifically do not want us to contact.Employer Five BreakPrevious Employer FiveCompany NameAddressEmployed FromEmployed ToName of SupervisorStarting Hourly Pay ($)Ending Hourly Pay ($)Job Title and type of workReason for LeavingEligible for re-hire Yes NoMay we contact this employer? Yes NoWe will contact the employers listed for a reference unless you indicate those you specifically do not want us to contact.Employment or Personal References List three (3) Employment or Personal References – DO NOT LIST RELATIVESNameAddress or EmailCompanyPositionNameAddress or EmailCompanyPositionNameAddress or EmailCompanyPositionList any relatives currently employed at the Company We comply with all prohibitions on marital status discrimination as required under applicable state law.Number of Relatives Currently Employed at the Company01234Relative OneEmployee NameLocationRelationshipRelative TwoEmployee NameLocationRelationshipRelative ThreeEmployee NameLocationRelationshipRelative FourEmployee NameLocationRelationshipMilitary Services If applicable. Our Company’s policy will comply with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA).Length of ServiceRank held in ServiceDo you have any ongoing military obligations?Present Status None Discharged Retired National Guard ReservesIndicate any special training or assignment that you want us to consider.Resume/Cover Letter If you have a resume or a cover letter, it may be submitted to the following email address: humanresources@toonencompanies.comCertificationI certify that the information that I have provided to the Company as part of this application along with any resume or other material submitted by me for employment consideration is true, complete, and without omissions or misleading statements. I understand that my employment may be terminated because of false, misleading, or omitted information, regardless of the time that may have elapsed between furnishing the information and the discovery by the Company. I authorize the Company to inquire into my education, professional and past employment history with references as needed to determine my qualifications and suitability for employment. I hereby give my consent to any former employer or educational institution to provide academic or employment related information about me to the Company. This includes any pertinent information they may have, personal or otherwise, and I release all parties from all liability for any damage that may result from furnishing this information. I understand that I may be required to pass a pre-employment drug test and that my Social Security number must be validated. I further acknowledge that certain positions with the Company may also require a confirmation that I am licensed to drive a motor vehicle, and that my credit, civil and criminal records may be checked including a verification of my address. I consent freely and voluntarily to participate in the required drug test and background checks, and consent to the release of the results to the Company. I hereby release and hold harmless the Company from any liability whatsoever arising from the drug test and/or background checks and decisions concerning employment based upon the results of these tests and checks. I understand that nothing in this employment application, the granting of an interview, or possible subsequent employment offer is intended to create an employment contract between the Company and myself. If hired, I will be an ?Employee at Will? which means the Company may release me at any time for any reason with or without cause, and I am likewise free to leave at any time for any reason. I understand that no representative of the Company other than the President or Chief Executive Officer has any authority to enter into any agreement for employment that contradicts or modifies the foregoing in any manner, and any such agreement must be in writing and signed by the President or Chief Executive Officer. If hired, I agree to conform to Company rules, regulations, and policies that the Company may periodically issue, withdraw, or modify. If hired, I agree to follow the Company appearance, grooming and hygiene guidelines and to be dressed appropriately, according to the position, per the standards of the Company. A photocopy, digital, and/or electronic copy of this signed authorization is as effective and binding as the original.Signed (First, M.I., Last)DateSubmit